What Parents are Saying about Krissy’s Parent Coaching, Digital Courses and Group Coaching class……….
"Very wonderful class, wonderful "investment" in my family's wellbeing. Krissy's books are also wonderful, and although I learn a great deal from books, being an avid reader and someone who makes time for reflection and learning, this was a more effective way for me to learn about parenting. And I felt "supported" with this class. I was skeptical that it would be helpful, skeptical about the online format, and was proven wrong. I almost didn't sign up, and am so glad I did. Thank you again!"
"Helpful and relatable. Krissy, you have so much experience and you lay out the Parallel Process framework in a way that makes so much sense to me and feels doable. That is huge for me as a mother with a struggling teen."
"Important, life changing, achievable, and the key to peace in our home. So far I have tried attuning to myself, my child, setting boundaries & consequences, & valuing struggle. My husband and I have a 14 year old boy at Wilderness. We have committed to the Parallel Process and are trying out our new skills on our 16 year old son. It is going well so far. We implemented a tech agreement and have been holding him accountable when he breaks it. He broke it several times in the first couple of weeks. He is in shock because we have been holding the line. He is used to manipulating us and us not following through. The good news is he's not really that mad at us. I think he's upset with himself. It's working.”
"Well organized and the program was extremely well designed. I loved the goals and each segment made perfect sense. This stood out among all the books podcasts and other resources we consulted. I've probably listened to each module several times already. I am trying to cement the concepts and skills in my head. I appreciate having access to them forever."
"Life changing! Krissy's ability to truly address and respond to a plethora of parenting challenges in a clear, comprehensible, but not uninteresting, way. I really enjoyed and was interested in hearing what she had to say about things. She gave things time and breathing room to explore topics, and seems to truly want to help."
“I refer your work, books and courses to friends with younger kids as much as possible. I am genuinely a raving fan of yours. I wish I had found your work before all of our hard stuff happened, but I guess I may not have seen it if it hit me in the head. I owe much of our family’s success because of YOU and your work and can never thank you enough.
“I read The Parallel Process when my son was in wilderness last summer. I attended my first Group Coaching class last week and I have been binging on the archived classes ever since. I can’t tell you how empowering they have been. It is like I have a completely new awareness around my parenting. It is exhilarating to know I can “change the script” with my son.”
“I could go on and on about the new insights I have gained in a short time from the library of classes. I actually have hope now that my husband and I will be able to live a meaningful life once our son is back. I have been filled with anxiety…but your calm, rationale advice feels like permission for me to live. Sorry if this seems so dramatic but your approach has landed with me in such a profound way. I truly have been under the impression that my job as a mother, daughter, and wide is to make sure everyone is happy. It is truly mind blowing to be told so clearly that is not who I am meant to be.”
“My child came home from 18 months away between wilderness and RTC. During that time, I have been completely engaged even doing my own therapy world as suggested. We choose aftercare to support our family. Krissy's intensive was recommended, and I thought, how much more money will I have to spend. but this was the best money spent.
The intensive was thoughtful and relatable. I was able to listen to Krissy explain how there are multiple parental styles and how to shift your voice to your child and promote better engagement. The intensive is set-in user- friendly format as it is self-paced and easy to access.
You can take your time going through each module or you can be like me and listen to all of them within two weeks and then go back to the modules that fit your needs. I highly recommend all of Krissy's platforms.
Hi there, I'm currently in the middle of your enmeshment challenge. The validation for what I'm learning, trying to implement and also understanding that it's "ok" to have a child struggling has been incredible. Thank you so very much. We have 4 children and it's our oldest daughter who is now a young adult (23) who is in treatment. Holding frustration, confusion, moments of helplessness, anger and also lots of hope makes for a full plate. Your reframing and encouragement and tools of awareness has been very helpful.”
“Our adolescent child spent 18 months between wilderness and RTC leaving at the age of 14. As a family we felt it important to have aftercare to traverse them coming home. Krissy was our parent coach over the last 14 months as we worked to communicate and set boundaries for our child's return home. Krissy provided us with a consistent voice during this challenging time and transition. Our family had the skills but putting them into practice was not always easy or consistent. Over the course of the 14 months our conversations with Krissy were caring, honest and productive. Our work as a family is far from done but we feel that we have entered an emotionally healthy space.”
“Having to send a child to Wilderness and then on to Therapeutic Boarding School was one of the lowest points of our lives and yet we realize now that we were truly blessed to have met Krissy. With her vast experience, eclectic knowledge, and abiding wisdom, Krissy has guided us through darkness and deep despair into the light and an ultimately successful outcome for our family. It has been an 18- month journey so far. During this time, she helped us “stay the course” when every fiber of our being wanted to ‘rescue our child.’
Krissy’s lighthearted, humorous, gentle, and especially non-judgmental nature never failed to lift our spirits. I always appreciated her many stories and her use of metaphors to simply illustrate concepts which she felt we needed to deeply understand and begin to implement. I have worked in the medical field for almost 30 years now and have met many people along the way, but Krissy Pozatek stands out as one of the most gifted and talented people I have ever met. I wholeheartedly recommend her to “everyone” because I think that anyone would be lucky to have her as their therapist! We are forever grateful to her for her brilliant insights, her amazing skill at teaching us more appropriate responses, and most importantly, for helping us to heal our family. ”
“After we successfully navigated A’s 18th birthday at his program, his growth trajectory was pretty steady. His therapist now refers to him as the “poster student.” The coaching we I received from you really helped us transform our parenting. It has also been really cool to see a positive parent-child relationship begin to develop and take hold. You really helped us hold firm and stay the course when we weren’t sure the program was working. It WAS working, big time. We are so thankful for the support you gave us at that critical time.
I think we are in a good place for A’s transition home. During his home visit he connected with a recovery coach he likes, went to a recovery group, and I have found an excellent therapist I think will be a good match. He is looking forward to finding a job and continuing to look at colleges. He is excited to attend the Teen Institute Summer Leadership Program in August. Lots of positives! I really can’t thank you enough for your help!”
“I so enjoyed the time we spent each week talking on the phone. We find you perceptive, insightful, and a credit to your profession. We will be forever grateful to you.”
“I found Krissy to be prepared, engaging and she shared knowledge in a warm and easy-going way. The workshop was surprisingly worthwhile.”
“The workshop’s greatest strength was the presenter. Krissy is an incredible listener so she knew how to direct all the teaching.”